Rebecca M. Quintana

Assistant Professor of Education Practice



Rebecca M. Quintana is an Assistant Professor of Education Practice at the Marsal Family School of Education at the University of Michigan (U-M). She is also co-leads the Rackham Learning Experience Design Graduate Certificate.  Her teaching is situated within the Designing for Innovation: Learning, Instruction, and Technology concentration within Educational Studies. She teachers courses on learning experience design, universal design for learning, digital accessibility, generative AI for design, and immersive learning environments. Her research encompasses social learning in online and immersive settings and the design of technology-rich learning environments that are equitable and inclusive. 
Quintana is active in several research communities and has presented extensively in conferences such as the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), the Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), and the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Quintana’s research has been published in outlets such as Instructional Science, Tech Trends, and the Online Teaching and Learning Journal. Quintana and her colleagues were presented with a Best Paper award at the American Educational Research Association by the Online Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group in 2018.  
Quintana is a certified teacher with teaching experience spanning 25 years within a variety of K-16 contexts, including teaching core subjects at the elementary level and visual arts at the secondary level. 


Visualizing course structure: Using course composition diagrams to reflect on design

R. M. Quintana, Y. Tan

Tech Trends, issue 65, 2021, pp. 562-575

What we learned when we compared discussion posts from one MOOC hosted on two platforms

R. M. Quintana, Y. Tan, J. D. Pinto

Online Learning Journal , vol. 25(4), 2021, pp. 7-24

Characterizing MOOC pedagogies: Exploring tools and methods for learning designers and researchers

R. M. Quintana, Y. Tan

Online Learning Journal, vol. 23(4), 2019, pp. 62-84

Collective inquiry in communities of learners

J. D. Slotta, R. M. Quintana, T. Moher

F. Fischer, C. E. Hmelo-Silver, S. R. Goldman, P. Reimann, International Handbook of the Learning Sciences, Routledge, 2018, pp. 308-317

Teachers as participatory designers: Two case studies with technology-enhanced learning environments

R. Cober, E. Tan, J. D. Slotta, H.-J. So, K.D. Könings

Instructional Science , vol. 43(2), 2015, pp. 203-228


Mar 19, 2022

Presenting at AERA in San Diego, CA

Come hear my talk at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)  in San Diego, California.  A Rich Landscape for Learning: Scaffolding a Culminating Assignment Within a Community and Task-Based MOOC Friday, April 22, 8...

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Jan 16, 2020

Presenting at AERA in San Francisco, CA

Come hear my talk at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)  in San Francisco, California.  Developing a MOOC Series: Pedagogical Considerations for Learning Designers.  Tuesday, April 21, 2020. 12:25 to 1:55pm, Mo...

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Rebecca M. Quintana, PhD

Assistant Professor of Education Practice


University of Michigan


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